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N’namdi Sinyette is female entrepreneur with a strong passion for creating. She believes in authenticity, sustainability and loves bringing out the beauty in all her endeavors.  Fashion has always been her passion, spending most of her college years modeling and attracting attention with her personal style. 

This "self-taught" seamstress began creating the PerL’amore brand in 2015 starting with plain barcode t-shirts as a social experiment. The goal was to create a mystery by leaving off the brand name. The t-shirts began to flood the city without anyone knowing who the actual creator was and as a result, the overwhelming popularity birthed her brand! 

The name PerL’amore is an Italian phrase meaning “for the love”. The obsession for authenticity led to the barcode logo, a bold symbol for originality amongst similarities. The barcode is symbolic to our DNA, which is “specific” to you & only you! (hence the hashtag #StaySpecific) This brand demands that you stay true to your fashion DNA.

You will recognize the brand identity in each produced product. Simplicity is embraced even when the intention is to "stand out". PerL'amore values overall quality, attractive colors, and immaculate designs. Whether custom or basic, PerL'amore will help you establish your personal style. 


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